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 Dflow 是一家总部位于马萨诸塞州 的美国公司,是设计、工程和制造高品质管式膜过滤器的全球领导者。我们的产品旨在帮助我们的客户提高业务竞争力、提高工厂性能并保护环境和自然资源。我们的目标是为您的业务运营增加价值。我们重视诚信和卓越,并致力于让您对我们提供的产品、服务和解决方案完全满意。

于 2003 年创立,Dflow 创建了新一代管式膜过滤器,以满足快速增长的全球废水回收需求。Dflow 与其客户密切合作,为分析项目目标提供咨询和支持,并提供最实用的成本效益解决方案以满足短期和长期需求。

我们的基本业务重点是提供优质的产品和服务。我们不断投资于研发,以提高产品功能和使用寿命,同时降低能耗。Dflow 还通过提供持续的工作改进培训和遵守所有必需的健康和安全实践来对其员工进行投资。

Dflow 通过在全球战略位置建立分销和服务网络,满足了全球扩张的需求。我们的全球基础设施和对产品质量和开发的不妥协承诺为 Dflow 赢得了在全球提供世界一流膜技术的声誉。

Dflow, a U.S. company headquartered , is a global leader in the design, engineering, and manufacture of high-quality tubular membrane filters. Our products are developed to help our customers increase their business competitiveness, improve plant performance and protect the environment and natural resources. Our aim is to add value to your business operations. We value integrity and excellence and are committed to your complete satisfaction with the products, services and solutions we provide.

Founded  Matheson in 2009, a new generation of tubular membrane filters was created by Dflow to satisfy the fast-growing global wastewater recycle demand. Dflow works closely with its customers to provide consultation and support in analyzing project objectives and presenting the most practical cost-effective solution to meet short- and long-term requirements.

Our fundamental business focus is providing quality products and service. We continually invest in research and development to improve product functionality and longevity while reducing energy consumption. Dflow also invests in its employees by offering continuous job improvement training and adhering to all the required health and safety practices.

Dflow has met demands for worldwide expansion by establishing distribution and service networks at strategic locations across the globe. Our global infrastructure and uncompromising commitment to product quality and development has earned Dflow its reputation for supplying world-class membrane technology around the world.

Dflow 管式膜技术在整个水管理系统中发挥着关键作用,该系统满足当今污水完全合规和经济高效的水再利用/循环这两个优先事项。

我们来自不同行业的许多客户通过安装 Dflow 膜系统来去除受管制的污染物,以解决即时合规要求作为第一步,从而采取逐步方法。在某些情况下,产生的一部分高质量滤液可以回收到非关键区域,或者在下一阶段的水管理计划中通过反渗透或其他脱盐设备(如离子交换或电去离子)进行处理,以产生高品质的滤液。 - 可循环使用的优质水。我们为为大量忠实客户提供服务而感到自豪,这些客户要么在世界各地的多个工厂位置安装了 Dflow 膜系统,要么在一个中心位置拥有多个系统。

The Dflow tubular membrane technology plays a key role in a total water management system that meets today's dual priorities of full effluent compliance and cost-effective water reuse/recycle.

Many of our customers from different industries take a stepwise approach by installing a Dflow membrane system for removal of the regulated contaminants to address the immediate compliance requirements as the first step. A portion of the high-quality filtrate generated can be recycled to non-critical areas in some cases or processed through a Reverse Osmosis or other desalination equipment such as Ion Exchange or Electro-Deionization in the next phase of the water management program to produce high-quality water for recycling. We take pride in servicing a large base of loyal customers who either installed Dflow membrane systems in multiple plant locations throughout the world or have multiple sytems in one central location.


以上是 Dflow 过去或当前客户的精选列表。公司徽标未经徽标所有者授权或赞助。



金属去除 Al、Ag、As、Ba、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Ca、Fe、Hg、Li、Mg、Mo、Mn、Ni、Pb、Sn、Sr、Zn
非金属去除B、COD、CN , F, NH4, PO4, SiO2, SO4, TSS

  • 符合法规和回收利用的废水处理和海水淡化
  • 工艺水软化和净化(地下水和地表水)
  • 侧流废水处理、脱盐和回收(RO 盐水、冷却塔排污、过滤器反洗、湿式洗涤器排放)
  • 工业污水处理厂出水净化及回收
  • 用于资源材料回收的废水过滤

Above is a selected list of Dflow's past or current customers. The company logos are not authorized by, or sponsored by the logo owners.

A select list of customer applications


Metals removal Al, Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ca, Fe, Hg, Li, Mg, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Sr, Zn
Non-metals removal B, COD, CN, F, NH4, PO4, SiO2, SO4, TSS

  • Wastewater treatment & desalination for regulatory compliance and recycle
  • Process water softening and purification (Ground and surface water)
  • Side-Stream wastewater treatment, desalination and recycle (RO brine, cooling tower blow-down, filter back-washes, wet scrubber discharge)
  • Industrial WWTP effluent polishing and recycle
  • Wastewater filtration for resource material recovery

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